Wow, where has the semester gone. Derrick is doing as well as expected for all of the issues he has had lately.
My job is not exactly what I thought, but I am enjoying it.
I've been busy with quilts. 4 quilts have been well received and have hung in Susie Q. Quilting's store. Very exciting. I'm set to do another quilt for them this next week. It beautiful, new Lakehouse fabric. My favorite colors pink, bright pink, and tan. My favorite size, a nice lap quilt.
Susan also took me to quilt market. Oh my, so much fun. To see all of the lines of fabric, gadgets, patterns, and new hardware. It was so nice I did get to buy things at wholesale prices. That was great!!!! A new sewing machine chair, sewing machine suitcases for travel, wonderful diversity of patterns - my easy style. I am hopeful I will get to go along in the spring too.
They laughed at how good as I was at collecting free stuff they laughed. Of course, they wanted me to keep collecting for them too. :) Bags, candy, caddy's, pens, etc. I did find 4 new notions I liked and recommended them to Susan. She really liked two. Now to present them to Abby Sewing Center and see what they say.
Above is the newest kellyrae artwork. I have purchased it and am anxious to get it on the wall. It is and probably will be the only original I will be able to purchase. But it will look nice with some of her canvases. I've gotten Donna Downey's artwork up and as usual it looks fantastic. I now am a proud owner of three of Cameron Yates photography work. She is just so talented. I want to get those framed together. So many wants so little money.
Thanks for stopping by
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